Use your extra change to support your child’s future.
We are giving you the power to make a real difference to the lives of your children.
We know it’s tough to fundraise for anything, let alone large-scale undertakings such as new basketball courts, music halls, sports team tours, libraries or even computers.

That’s exactly why we developed an application that allows any and every Australian school to raise funds for their projects, seamlessly.

My School Change is designed for the everyday Aussie parent or school supporter wanting to contribute towards making a positive impact in the lives of their children, who need it most.

We all want the best for our children, why not use the extra few cents from day-to-day purchases to give them the best possible opportunities?

How it works
Screen 1

Step 1

Download the app

Screen 2

Step 2

Select your school

Step 3

Link a card

Step 4

Support your school

*Each time a transaction occurs on the linked card, we will round up (the difference) to the nearest dollar and donate 100% to your school. 

We are raising the bar and supporting Aussie schools in a new and innovative way.

Schools Supported


Supporters Engaged


Free for Schools


Years to Complete


“What a great initiative, we are definitely looking forward to seeing what we can achieve with this application. Our parents and staff are bound to get behind it”.

Jackie Jackson
 St Edmund’s College 
testi 2
“We have signed up, why not. It’s free and can only increase our fundraising potential. I’m sure parents will appreciate the functionality and ease of use”.
Herman Ledford
St Mary’s College

“This is exactly what we have been looking for! We have been looking to build a new playground and didn’t have a plan. What great timing, looking forward to this partnership”.

Anetta Winston
Little Kids Academy 

All Hallows’ School

Padua College

Brisbane Boys’ College

St John Fisher College

Mt Maria College

St Philip's Pre School

St Edmund’s College

St Mary’s College

Little Kids Academy